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Workindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and member of European Employment Service (EURES).

At workindenmark.dk, we provide information, guidance and access to digital self-service tools to bring together Danish employers and foreign candidates.

We also offer online information and guidance to international jobseekers and a series of recruitment services to employers.

Workindenmark aims to assist Danish companies in attracting and recruiting qualified foreign candidates in sectors, where Danish companies face skills shortages.
We do this by:

  • Free access to digital self- service to post job vacancies internationally via Workindenmark jobnet portal and EURES
  • Attracting qualified foreign candidates to Denmark
  • Assisting Danish companies in recruiting qualified candidates
  • We cooperate with recruitment companies and other organisations that work to attract and recruit international candidates.

Workindenmark offers a series of services for international job seekers and Danish employers looking for qualified new employees.

We strive to offer the best services to foreign candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish employers in search of qualified international employees.


Dannebrogsgade 3
1. 5000 Odense C





Sectors with high demand

The Danish job market is booming and many sectors are facing skills shortages. Therefore, there are many sectors with good job opportunities for both skilled and highly qualified candidates. Especially within following sector:

Within the following sectors there are ample opportunities to find work:

Look for job positions at our job portal (new tab).

Here you will find interesting jobs, both some that do require Danish language skills and some that do not.

We offer international jobseekers easy access to a large pool of English speaking jobs in all of Denmark and we offer information and guidance on job search and settlement in Denmark.

We also actively help companies attract and recruit within skill-shortage sectors in Denmark: 

Workindenmark offers international jobseekers the following services:

  • Access to a large pool of job vacancies in English (Workindenmark Jobnet portal)
  • Easy access to Workindenmark specialists - telephone hotline, mail and chat
  • General information about residence and work permits, registration certificates, civil registration number (CPR-number), health insurance card, authorisation of foreign qualifications, tax, etc.

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